The 55-A-Day Challenge

A simple, effective and free way to elevate your fitness and crush your comfort zone to become a stronger, more resilient version of yourself.  



Most fitness strategies leave people feeling like failures because they are over-complicated, don’t fit into our already busy life, have no built-in accountability system and focus on looking good instead of feeling good.

Hi, we’re Mike and Kevin.

After entertaining a dare at our annual Meat-fest, we stumbled on a simple approach to fitness that not only resulted in two middle-aged, moderately athletic, office-going guys doing 55 pull ups a day (20,000 a year), but also created positive ripple effects in every area of life.

We’re here to share what we’ve discovered with you. You don’t have to resign to a plateau or decline after 40. You can be in the best shape (mentally and physically) of your life from here on out.

Never Stop
Getting Better

This is for you if…

  • You feel stuck, hit a plateau or are tired of feeling “meh.” You want to improve your health, increase your energy and clear the brain fog, but need something that will realistically fit into your chaotic schedule.

  • You are overwhelmed by all the options and social media hype. You want to celebrate progress with achievable milestones in a challenge designed for everyday micro-improvements that lead to big wins.

  • You want to enjoy life's pleasures—great restaurants, travel, and game nights—without compromising your fitness goals. You want a program that is about intentional and informed choice, not restriction.

How it works

The 55-A-Day Challenge

Make a

Download our free guide and commit to the 55-A-Day Pull Up Challenge, a journey that begins with a firm decision.

Set Up Your
Support System

Find your challenge partner and connect with a community that understands and uplifts you throughout the challenge.

Do the

Get your pull-up bar and dive into the daily pull-up routine, steadily progress towards the 55-pull goal each day.


Yes, pull ups are challenging, might seem impossible, but here’s why they are at the core of our 55-A-Day Challenge:

  • Full-Body Engagement: Pull-ups target multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including the back, arms, shoulders, and core, providing a comprehensive workout that builds strength and endurance throughout the upper body.

  • Versatility and Accessibility: Whether you're at the gym, at home, or outdoors, pull-ups require minimal equipment and can be adapted to various settings, making them a versatile and accessible exercise for individuals at all fitness levels.

  • Functional Strength Development: Mimicking natural movement patterns, pull-ups enhance functional strength, promoting better posture, grip strength, and overall physical performance, making them a fundamental exercise for a well-rounded fitness routine.

  • The 55/day pull up challenge is all about chipping away at a personal accountability goal! 20,000 total repetitions is the long range target, so chunking 55 a day for the year is more about commitment! Fatigue will make cowards of us all and the temptation to procrastinate is lurking. Deep inside, you know time is ticking and you cannot fall behind or you will lose the edge. So wherever you are in the world… find a horizontal bar and start pulling!

    Donny Pritzlaff,
    2-Time NCAA Wrestling Champion